onsdag 16. desember 2009

Ten random stuff I do not like :p (random order)

1. when people throw litter in the street!!!
2. when I wake up feeling lazy, I stay lazy all day, feeling heavy, bored and always get a headace!!!
3. People that cannot admitt to be wrong..ever..
4. When you buy expencive candles, and they burn down straight away or can't burn anymore half way down...
5. Us rich people complaining about not having everything, when it's always people out there that has nothing and does not complain..ehm..look number 4 :p
6. postchildbody..love-hate relationship :p
7. stress...oh god...nothing worse...
8. being in a situation where I have no control, that effects other people negativly...(is that a word?)
9. my writing skills...it sucks...
10. half-empty glas of water..it's HALF-FULL!!!!!!!!! c'omon!

Ten rendom things I love!! In a VERY random order!!!

1. My boyfriends eyes when he looks at me and smiles :)
2. a good cup of tea..In a funny or huge mug :)
3. when my baby leans towards me whild I hold her in my arms, and cudles me with her hand :) :) :)
4. after going out, at dawn walking home looking at the seaguils fighting for the leftovers from drunken people the night before. not dark, not light, the silents, no people and the fresh crisp air :)
5. laying in the tall gras in the shadows after a reallyreally hot day :)
6. the sound of crickets :)
7. The way my baby looks at me the second she wakes up and sees me standing by the bed saying good morning :)
8. being a kid, doing random fun things with my man or my friends :)
9. Hide under a blanket on the beach, listning to people talking, children playing, smell the salt sea and feeling the warmth from the sun :)
10. Just taken a shower, going to bed with new washed sheets :)

I can go on and on... more lists to come :)

lørdag 28. mars 2009

Earth Hour

Today we turned of our lights for an hour, but they kinda stayd off :)
Well, why not??? It can only do good, both for nature and for our wallets ;) hihi
I really enjoyed the candle lights, It's cozy, cheap and it warms up as long as it's not too cold outside.. :)
It makes me think about all the small things we actually can do to make a big differense.
Just by sorting out our garbage, use those energysaving lightbulbs, turn off all type off light or other things that does not need been turned on.
It's a shitty world we are passing on to our children, we should have done something decades ago, I am afraid it's a bit too late... :(

Well, keep on the good work people!!!!


torsdag 5. mars 2009

new photos

beautiful profile :) our beautiful girl!!!
my smiling angel


week 27 and still going strong ;)
Right now I'm in week 29 (29weeks, 2days)
I'm not working at the moment, and won't untill in september (for 6 weeks) and then in full job in february..
oh well
Good night sleep tight!!!!! ;)

tirsdag 20. januar 2009

My tummy ;)

Putting in some photos of my belly :) Getting bigger and bigger!!!