søndag 24. juli 2011

A Tribute

Found it on youtube

22.07.2011..A sad day.

To sum up what happen this horrible day: A friday afternoon at 15.22, a bomb went off in our beloved capital Oslo. It was a carbomb that went off right outside our priministers office. You could hear and feel the bang all the way to the train station (Oslo S) and most parts of central Oslo.
I have loads of family in Oslo, and my aunt wrote on Facebook that she was in a cafe not far away, felt the bang and could not stop shaking the rest of the day. My best friends boyfriend works in a building not too far away, they could feel the blast a bit, but the people on the top floor got knocked of their feet..

7 people died and 2 got seriously hurt by the bomb. Alltogheter, 11 people got sent to the hospital.

At 17.27 Nordre Buskerud Police-district got calls about shooting on Utøya in Tyringfjorden.
A man dressed up as a policeman came to the island, telling then that he was there to give a report on what happend in Olso. On Utøya, AUF (The Workers' Youth League) had their annual gathering, about 500 youth(not really sure about this number) He just started shooting people. His plan were to kill them all.

86 kids and grown upps were killed, and they still report more kids missing.. 20 is in hospital with injuries.

Just going to list up some reading to articles to read.
Most of them in Norwegian
*(I used as source) Aftenposten: Alt om tragedien.(Everything about the tragedy)
*Moss got togheter (about 2000!!) to honour the dead and people affected by the tragedy. This was started on Facebook by two young girl that just wanted to say that "we care."
*Join us on holding hands!!! (Sign in wherever you are from to join)
*If you want to write a message to the victims or anything like that (but only positive and good things/ greetings) Write it here
*Our priministers amazing speech
*One of the victims intervju with CNN

I have never been so proud being Norwegian. It's like Carl Bildt said: "Ware all Norwegians".
We stay togheter and do not let this madman(that does not deserve beeing mentioned too much) break us down. People who lived near the island got into their boats to save the children up from the water. In the streets of Oslo they were giving cpr or comferting the one next to them. The busses took all the people that got hurt to drive them to the hospital. Tourists and Norwegians were giving their own clothes and blancets to the kids that had to dive into the water, swimming towards land to save their lives. Random cars picked them up to drive them to a hotel where medical attention were given. We stood togheter and still are, trying to help each other, reaching out to the victims and the families that lost their children.

I am one of the lucky ones, I do not know any of the victims. My family and friends are ok. I still feel heavy. He spitted on our demokraty, on us. On all of us. A tiny but powerful country. He is sick.
I can't stop crying. It feels like my head is going to explode.
Why the kids???? He tricked them to believe he was a policeman and that he was there to save them!!! That is the worse thing ever!!! How can a person be so evil????  I just don't get it!!!!!!!

I feel sick everytime his face shows up on the newspapers, internett, tv or anything else. I wish his face and his name could be removed. He is not important. He is nothing. He can be locked away for the rest of his life and rott.(is that the word??)  He must be ignored.

This was supposed to be me letting it all out about how I feel and everything, but I don't think I have fully realised it yet. It feels like taken out of a movie. Nobody can be that crule?? I'm not sure I wanna see these movies anymore. I know that might change again, but still.

Well, I might write more when my brain works again...

Tonight, my light is for all the lives that still is missing. I hope you all can come home.

mandag 4. juli 2011

Enjoying life :)

I have to show you guys this blog, this amazing blog about this wonderful family. Thay are happy, they enjoy the small things in life. They are normal, but thay have one challange in life most people don't have. their youngest daughter has Down Syndrome. It might be her photography that makes me love the blog, but maybe the way she sees things(the mum that writes the blog) or her honesty about all the sides of having a child with downs.
Well, what I get out of this blog is how we should celebrate life whitout having something happen to us first..

My man, Steinar, is now after two years of pain in his shoulder finnally having surgery in September.
The pain makes hin not sleep very well, he can't go to the gym and it's days where he almost can't pick up Mina to carry her around. He hates it. But every day he puts her to bed. Every day. And he does not complain, he loves it.
I know I'm lucky, and everyday I makes sure that I make him know that Mina and me are lucky to have him in our life.. :)
OOOOOhh that was all lovy-dovy (NOOOO idea how to write that!!!!!!!!!) (dyslexy-hell)

Enough blogging for today!!!!! Have to go back to making my kitchen look gooooood!!!
Posting pictures later today ;)