mandag 4. juli 2011

Enjoying life :)

I have to show you guys this blog, this amazing blog about this wonderful family. Thay are happy, they enjoy the small things in life. They are normal, but thay have one challange in life most people don't have. their youngest daughter has Down Syndrome. It might be her photography that makes me love the blog, but maybe the way she sees things(the mum that writes the blog) or her honesty about all the sides of having a child with downs.
Well, what I get out of this blog is how we should celebrate life whitout having something happen to us first..

My man, Steinar, is now after two years of pain in his shoulder finnally having surgery in September.
The pain makes hin not sleep very well, he can't go to the gym and it's days where he almost can't pick up Mina to carry her around. He hates it. But every day he puts her to bed. Every day. And he does not complain, he loves it.
I know I'm lucky, and everyday I makes sure that I make him know that Mina and me are lucky to have him in our life.. :)
OOOOOhh that was all lovy-dovy (NOOOO idea how to write that!!!!!!!!!) (dyslexy-hell)

Enough blogging for today!!!!! Have to go back to making my kitchen look gooooood!!!
Posting pictures later today ;)


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