mandag 28. februar 2011

Okey :) My mad child aint so bad after all

After Danni's google translation (it was amazing!! :)) I decided to go back to english. I'll just go back again if I feel like it :)

SO, I have now a child (not a baby anymore) that knows what she wants and thinks she can scream untill her will is forfilled (oh sorry about my baaad english)
The thing that we have struggled with is that she wants to sit on my lap ALL THE TIME!! and she wants me to carry her everywhere. Even in kindergarden she has been running around like a primadonna, crying and having "pain" ( just saying it so the grownups will pick her up and give her cudles ) It's so hard when your child is crying her hart out, but because she is not crying about anything, you have to ignore it :p
We have ignored her crying for about two weeks now, and it's allready amazing results!!
Okey, just want to clarefy something: She has got cudles, she has been sittng on my lap, but only on my terms, NOT when she throws a fit and demands it. And she fell down and been cryed for then to get cudles so this is NOT about ignore her all the time, but reclaiming our place as the "boss" of the house. :)
In the beguinning I just decided a couple things that had to stop, things like I can not keep on carrying her out the door, or up the stairs, she is getting bigger everyday :) The first time I told her to climb up the stairs herself (and believe me, she is good at it) it ended up with me sitting in the stairs, and Mina standing with her back to me squeesing out tears and making crying sounds for a half hour!!!! Steinar(my man) then took over, and took her in her hands and just helped her up the stairs. One week later, she climbs up the stairs with this comfidence that makes me happy :) After two weeks all this drama is calming down alot!! :) :)
So proud of her, but also happy about the kindergarden helping us out and also happy that I have a man that supports me when I want to give up. He is soo much better at this then me <3 style="cursor: pointer; width: 240px; height: 320px;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5578876266979632546" border="0">Walked to Steinar's dads place on sunday :)

lørdag 26. februar 2011

New "I like" list

I'll start in english: I will be writing in norwegian from now on, because my english friends does not read my blog anymore, so....blah!!!! ;)

Så her kommer en ny liste:
*Nydusja, deilig joggedress, en gooood film på skjermen og noe godt å ete på :)
*Når frøkna mi sitter å virkelig leker og koser seg for seg selv, og synger en egenkomponert sang blandet med "Mikkel reeev, bæææbæææ lille lille, Lille Pettej Kappekopp" søtnos
*Når du tror det ikke er noe bra på tv, og glemt å leie film. Og da oppdager en FANTASTISK film på tv ;)
*Ha en god venninne på besøk, som du ikke har sett på EVIGHETER, men som det føles ut som du pratet med sist i går. Sånne setter jeg så utrolig pris på.
*Når man oppdager noe nytt! En ny venn, en ny matrett, en ny sjokkis eller en ny tv serie :)

Det var det jeg hadde nå.
Savner lister fra deg som leser... morsomt å komme på flere ting. kan være hva som helst :)

Da skal jeg slappe av med en stooor kopp med honning (Håper på at influensaen endelig skal slippe tak) og se på Bodyguard!!! :)

tirsdag 8. februar 2011



the cutest earmuffs in the world!! a present to my daughter from her aunt :) bææææ