søndag 24. juli 2011

A Tribute

Found it on youtube

22.07.2011..A sad day.

To sum up what happen this horrible day: A friday afternoon at 15.22, a bomb went off in our beloved capital Oslo. It was a carbomb that went off right outside our priministers office. You could hear and feel the bang all the way to the train station (Oslo S) and most parts of central Oslo.
I have loads of family in Oslo, and my aunt wrote on Facebook that she was in a cafe not far away, felt the bang and could not stop shaking the rest of the day. My best friends boyfriend works in a building not too far away, they could feel the blast a bit, but the people on the top floor got knocked of their feet..

7 people died and 2 got seriously hurt by the bomb. Alltogheter, 11 people got sent to the hospital.

At 17.27 Nordre Buskerud Police-district got calls about shooting on Utøya in Tyringfjorden.
A man dressed up as a policeman came to the island, telling then that he was there to give a report on what happend in Olso. On Utøya, AUF (The Workers' Youth League) had their annual gathering, about 500 youth(not really sure about this number) He just started shooting people. His plan were to kill them all.

86 kids and grown upps were killed, and they still report more kids missing.. 20 is in hospital with injuries.

Just going to list up some reading to articles to read.
Most of them in Norwegian
*(I used as source) Aftenposten: Alt om tragedien.(Everything about the tragedy)
*Moss got togheter (about 2000!!) to honour the dead and people affected by the tragedy. This was started on Facebook by two young girl that just wanted to say that "we care."
*Join us on holding hands!!! (Sign in wherever you are from to join)
*If you want to write a message to the victims or anything like that (but only positive and good things/ greetings) Write it here
*Our priministers amazing speech
*One of the victims intervju with CNN

I have never been so proud being Norwegian. It's like Carl Bildt said: "Ware all Norwegians".
We stay togheter and do not let this madman(that does not deserve beeing mentioned too much) break us down. People who lived near the island got into their boats to save the children up from the water. In the streets of Oslo they were giving cpr or comferting the one next to them. The busses took all the people that got hurt to drive them to the hospital. Tourists and Norwegians were giving their own clothes and blancets to the kids that had to dive into the water, swimming towards land to save their lives. Random cars picked them up to drive them to a hotel where medical attention were given. We stood togheter and still are, trying to help each other, reaching out to the victims and the families that lost their children.

I am one of the lucky ones, I do not know any of the victims. My family and friends are ok. I still feel heavy. He spitted on our demokraty, on us. On all of us. A tiny but powerful country. He is sick.
I can't stop crying. It feels like my head is going to explode.
Why the kids???? He tricked them to believe he was a policeman and that he was there to save them!!! That is the worse thing ever!!! How can a person be so evil????  I just don't get it!!!!!!!

I feel sick everytime his face shows up on the newspapers, internett, tv or anything else. I wish his face and his name could be removed. He is not important. He is nothing. He can be locked away for the rest of his life and rott.(is that the word??)  He must be ignored.

This was supposed to be me letting it all out about how I feel and everything, but I don't think I have fully realised it yet. It feels like taken out of a movie. Nobody can be that crule?? I'm not sure I wanna see these movies anymore. I know that might change again, but still.

Well, I might write more when my brain works again...

Tonight, my light is for all the lives that still is missing. I hope you all can come home.

mandag 4. juli 2011

Enjoying life :)

I have to show you guys this blog, this amazing blog about this wonderful family. Thay are happy, they enjoy the small things in life. They are normal, but thay have one challange in life most people don't have. their youngest daughter has Down Syndrome. It might be her photography that makes me love the blog, but maybe the way she sees things(the mum that writes the blog) or her honesty about all the sides of having a child with downs.
Well, what I get out of this blog is how we should celebrate life whitout having something happen to us first..

My man, Steinar, is now after two years of pain in his shoulder finnally having surgery in September.
The pain makes hin not sleep very well, he can't go to the gym and it's days where he almost can't pick up Mina to carry her around. He hates it. But every day he puts her to bed. Every day. And he does not complain, he loves it.
I know I'm lucky, and everyday I makes sure that I make him know that Mina and me are lucky to have him in our life.. :)
OOOOOhh that was all lovy-dovy (NOOOO idea how to write that!!!!!!!!!) (dyslexy-hell)

Enough blogging for today!!!!! Have to go back to making my kitchen look gooooood!!!
Posting pictures later today ;)


onsdag 23. mars 2011

What...new Chy Morvians?!?!?!!

I googled Chy Morva (The name on our place in Falmouth) And stumbled over this blog: Emyr has a Blog.
It's a girl that goes to the same Uni I went to, and in the summer she will move into CHY MORVA!!!!! They are three people moving in, and one of them is actually a Norwegian girl. :)

Well, to you guys: Take care of her!! And enjoy your time at Uni. Suddenly you are done and out there in the real world!!! ;)

I miss falmouth soooo much!!!!!!

Oh well...

Mmmmmmh a cold beer at the Woodlane Cantine... <3

søndag 20. mars 2011

New kitchen :)

So, I got a call from my dad and Jorunn yesterday.. They just bought a brend new kitchen and have been trying to sell the old one.
After a few couple of day on finn.no, they still haven't got any respons on the add, and they gave up.
Sooooo me and my man are now proud owners of a new old kitchen :)
Our old one are HORRIBLE! It's so full of stains I can't get off the doors and bench, the colours are from the 90's (baaaaaaad) and it's just falling apart.
We have some money that we were going to use to do something about the kitchen, but not enough for new cupboard and doors and everything else!!!! It's going to look great!!
But if you guys have any tips on colours, cheap material or ANYTHING!!! let me know ;)
This is the kitchen how it looks like:
I do NOT like the colours...at all.... Brownish, yellow, red and blue??? :p And YES the door is actually PINK!! :(
 We removed the old fan, but haven't been bothered getting the new one up. you can see the ols wall paper from the 70's, when the house were built..  And loooook at the tiles... BLAH!
 Not only have they cut the door to make it fit, but they have also plastered the wallpaper bit by bit, repairing it.. blah it's horrible...
 The doors are damaged, they look like plastic bath room doors.. :p
 It looks like inside a caravan.....
The bench, two chairs and table are for sale. 200,- norwegian kroner, then COME AND GET IT!
A new one would cost you thousands.. ;) hehe

The lamp on the last photo is the only item I wanna keep. The rest is OUT OF HERE!!!!

So there you go. Any tips??? The doors are very dark brown. Kinda like this photo (same dark brown colour), but it's not completely same as the one we are getting.
Not the cheap crap we have now :)
What colours goes with it without it getting too dark??
I like kitchens that has a "cafe-look" :) Not sure what that is, but love cafe's in brown and earth-green colours, a bit old fashion style.. I dunno....
heeelp-- :D

torsdag 17. mars 2011

It's in the air

Just want to share
a beautiful day'
with you all

Look, the snow is melting!!                <3

onsdag 16. mars 2011


You don't have many photos of your love,
at least not as a child,
except the one
that got stuck to the glas,
and got damaged.
You might be lucky
having a sister that knows her way in photoshop....
Or what Elisabeth?? ;)

Hope this is what you wanted ;)
Love ya!!

An Amazing Fairytale

Regina Spektor – Mary Ann meets the Gravediggers and other short stories by regina spektor
I discovered Regina Spektor while I lived in England, my flatmate's x girlfriend (Alice) had this album if I remember correctly.  There is something really beautiful and kinda dark way she tells her stories. The album is really weired, but I can't stop listning to it.

Everytime I listen to this album, it takes me back to the summer in Chy Morva (Falmouth) sitting in our beautiful tiny garden, summer, the amazing smell of the wild herbs that grew amongst the plants, neighbours  having a bbq, the screaming seaguils. Friends from Uni suddenly popping by for a cup of tea. Late nights talking in our horrible yellow, amazing, tiny and impractical kitchen.
We lived in a tiny place (3 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom) that was called Chy Morva. That is cornish and ment (Chy) House (Morva) place by the sea. 
Me and my flatmate Danni <3 kitchenfun <3

Danni, me and Vicki <3 the Chy morvians <3

Beth (also a Chy Morvian) me, Vicki (Rodders) and Christine, in our kitchen before going out (fancy dress)
I LOVED that poster in the background, still got it but it's really damaged :( If anyone has a tip how to restore a damaged old poster, please let me know!!!
I'm trying to find photos from our garden, but this is all I could find:

Copyright Jeanette H

I do miss Chy Morva....

The most amazing cartoon caracter!!

Let me represent NEMI!! You can read her HERE in english..
She is a rock'n roller, a misfit, dark and hot, a goth and veryvery funny!!!!!
Nemis "mother" is Lise Myhre.
Well, I'm not going to write an essay about this chick, you can read about her HERE .

But there you go!!!!
Hehe, my daughter love reading "Nemi" :) Thankfully, she can't read :p hahaha

*I had a cartoon here, but the newspaper I "borrowed" it from decided to remove it.. *
Use the link above or read it in norweian in Dagbladet.no

tirsdag 15. mars 2011

Music of today 15.03.2011 :)

Music of today is two albums (really could not choose one of them) End Of An Era (2005) & Dark Passion Play(2007) by Nightwish!!! :) And It's dedicated to my two best friends (trekløverne mine) Anette and Elisabeth :) <3

This photo is from a Nightwish concert in Oslo, 02.12.2007. Best concert EVER!!!!!!!

mandag 14. mars 2011

Well said..

The Girl you just called fat? She's been starving herself & has lost 15kgs. The Boy you just called stupid? He has a learning disability & studies 4hrs a night. The Girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting makeup on, hoping people will like her. The Boy you just tripped? He is already abused enough at home. There's more to people than you think...

A good end to a sunny but stressful day!

After putting my girl to bed, I had a loong shower, made myself a gooood cup of tea, (My favouritt tea Pukka tea! today : "Pleasure") and a recording of Ghost Whisperer (my favourite series on telly) :)
 So, from me to you guys: Have a great night!!!!!

Music 14.03.2011

...today it's dedicated to my man <3 The Calling- Wherever you will go <3
This one brings back memories, and I always think of you when I hear it :)
And I'm glad I'm yours ;)

søndag 13. mars 2011

Music of today...again...

I have to post one more, that I have to deticate to my two lovely sisters ;)
It's the original cast from the musica lWE WILL ROCK YOU!
Me and my twin got the tickets from our older sister for christmas... I know, I do have an amazing sister!!! <3
Us three dressed up for an amazing night out :)

So there you go! Recomend the musical to everyone!!!!! :)

Music of today!!!!

The music of today is What's up! by 4 Non Blonds :) :)
And today it is deticated to my two english best friends Vicki and Danni <3

Amazing sunday :)

This has been a really good sunday. I rially wish it was saturday now tho, so I could have one more day off...
But today we have been reallyreally good!! Woke up around 8 or 9, I laid in bed listning to my man and my daughter talking and having fun changing clothes and changing diper. (Is that how you spell it???) We had breakfast together before we started cleaning the house.
My daughter runned around the house with a cloth that she was "cleaning" with.. helping us out ;)
After cleaning EVERYTHING (even in the fridge and under the garbage bin) I made battered fish (ALL BY MYSELF) with potatoes and broccoli :)It was AMAAAAZING!!! :)
So not really an exciting day, but a reallyreally good one!! And thanx to my mans sister and her man, my daughter has got a "big girl bed". Not replaced it with her old one yet, wanna wait a bit longer.. In the new one she can climb out herself.. :p
So, now I'm enjoying a clean house with some good entertaiment on telly, and a nice cup of tea :)

fredag 11. mars 2011

My family!!!

This is my wonderful family :) It's not a big one, but full of fun and love ;)

This is me! I don't usually get my hair done like that everyday, but I looove this style, pin-up (It's not good quality (photo), taken on my mobilephone :p)
This is me and my daughter <3 I think she is 3 or 4 weeks old in this photo. This too is a mobilephone photo, but I love it so much because of her stearing into the lense. It's so calm and balansed, and it shows how pail I am (compared to a newborn baby I am white as snow)
Finally a photo in good quality ;) This is my amazing man and my beautiful daughter :) Out in a cold day, playing around in the snow with her aunt Elisabeth, and us two :)

So there you go. My tiny family <3

My thoughts goes out there...

My thoughts goes to everyone that is affected by the tsunami in japan (and everywhere else)
We are lucky to be in a part of the world that is not hit by the tsunami!

Man kan følge saken live i VG.
En video av flommen..

Oppdater kl. 11.14. Følg live med på denne linken!

torsdag 10. mars 2011

Music of today :)

NOFX - "So long & thanks for all the shoes"

This is a Spotifylink...


This album makes me in a good mood, good energy!! :D

It was a good morning.... :(


stupid snow... REALLY?!?!!! the weather is just a tease... :(

A beautiful day!!!!

haha this makes me laugh!!!
Reminds me of the old days in England :)

good morning!!


ok, its not morning anymore, but i just wanted to wish you a good one!! its not a good photo, but I just wanted to show you the good weather we had this morning!! no wind, not cold, but most important: no (new) snow!!!! :) hurraaa!!

onsdag 9. mars 2011

Tattoo in progress

Okey, now my lovely lovely friend Vicki have been asking for aaages for a photo of my tattoo .
It's my friend Electric Linda (http://www.attitudetattoostudio.com/) that is the creater of this wonderful work of art :) I love it I love it I love it but I will love it even more when it's done :)
I have a new session in May, so hopefully we will be on our way to be done with it soon :)

mandag 28. februar 2011

Okey :) My mad child aint so bad after all

After Danni's google translation (it was amazing!! :)) I decided to go back to english. I'll just go back again if I feel like it :)

SO, I have now a child (not a baby anymore) that knows what she wants and thinks she can scream untill her will is forfilled (oh sorry about my baaad english)
The thing that we have struggled with is that she wants to sit on my lap ALL THE TIME!! and she wants me to carry her everywhere. Even in kindergarden she has been running around like a primadonna, crying and having "pain" ( just saying it so the grownups will pick her up and give her cudles ) It's so hard when your child is crying her hart out, but because she is not crying about anything, you have to ignore it :p
We have ignored her crying for about two weeks now, and it's allready amazing results!!
Okey, just want to clarefy something: She has got cudles, she has been sittng on my lap, but only on my terms, NOT when she throws a fit and demands it. And she fell down and been cryed for then to get cudles so this is NOT about ignore her all the time, but reclaiming our place as the "boss" of the house. :)
In the beguinning I just decided a couple things that had to stop, things like I can not keep on carrying her out the door, or up the stairs, she is getting bigger everyday :) The first time I told her to climb up the stairs herself (and believe me, she is good at it) it ended up with me sitting in the stairs, and Mina standing with her back to me squeesing out tears and making crying sounds for a half hour!!!! Steinar(my man) then took over, and took her in her hands and just helped her up the stairs. One week later, she climbs up the stairs with this comfidence that makes me happy :) After two weeks all this drama is calming down alot!! :) :)
So proud of her, but also happy about the kindergarden helping us out and also happy that I have a man that supports me when I want to give up. He is soo much better at this then me <3 style="cursor: pointer; width: 240px; height: 320px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhOvYc7DD7n-7TBGr7Nx8FPdJnfm7dKIFaEXPoqqhJKuv26QyHW-Yu2YXOS8-V9RyTlV_ZH86j22S641uLA-QR3EGheG-dgkGNbgcmLYAFMG7Y3RXT7s4m0waDrOdap1xg1Us8Q-hfxM9Gk/s320/bilde%25282%2529.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5578876266979632546" border="0">Walked to Steinar's dads place on sunday :)

lørdag 26. februar 2011

New "I like" list

I'll start in english: I will be writing in norwegian from now on, because my english friends does not read my blog anymore, so....blah!!!! ;)

Så her kommer en ny liste:
*Nydusja, deilig joggedress, en gooood film på skjermen og noe godt å ete på :)
*Når frøkna mi sitter å virkelig leker og koser seg for seg selv, og synger en egenkomponert sang blandet med "Mikkel reeev, bæææbæææ lille lille, Lille Pettej Kappekopp" søtnos
*Når du tror det ikke er noe bra på tv, og glemt å leie film. Og da oppdager en FANTASTISK film på tv ;)
*Ha en god venninne på besøk, som du ikke har sett på EVIGHETER, men som det føles ut som du pratet med sist i går. Sånne setter jeg så utrolig pris på.
*Når man oppdager noe nytt! En ny venn, en ny matrett, en ny sjokkis eller en ny tv serie :)

Det var det jeg hadde nå.
Savner lister fra deg som leser... morsomt å komme på flere ting. kan være hva som helst :)

Da skal jeg slappe av med en stooor kopp med honning (Håper på at influensaen endelig skal slippe tak) og se på Bodyguard!!! :)

tirsdag 8. februar 2011



the cutest earmuffs in the world!! a present to my daughter from her aunt :) bææææ

mandag 24. januar 2011

grandma knitted hat and sweater2


a close-up on the pattern. thank you grandma!!!!!! we love it we love it we love it!!!!!!

grandma knitted hat and sweater


my daughters grandma knittet a hat and a sweater, the oattern is typicall norwegian called "marius" :)

mandag 10. januar 2011

time to make a baby-book


time to sort out photos for my baby book!! haven't written anything in aaaages :p so now I have sorted out 127 photos to put into the album.. wish me good luck!!

søndag 9. januar 2011

Pay it forward!


I am naive. well, I can take care of myself and I don't take candy from strangers, but I actually belive it's always something good in everyone:)I'm watching an old film called Pay it foward.I like the idea of helping others in hope for them then to help someone else and so on. it dosn't have to be big things. So. Hopefully I can do small things for people and then post them here. would be fun if you do them same :) make someones day a bit better :) nightynight!!!

Planning a wedding

THE wedding. The one our family have been hasseling us about for ages.
So now we finnaly desided (after 7 years of engagement) that we are going to get married in 2013.
He first proposed to me in 2005, and then I proposed to him last year (the first one was really outdated, hahaha)

It was at his 30years suprise birthday party that I asked him if he wanted to marrie me (in three years time) and he said yes :):)

But okey, now we are finnally trying to plan things.
We both want a litle different kind of wedding, but I'm not showing up with wings or anything tho. Just want a wedding in our style. whatever that is..
church? outside? just family? everyone??
It's really difficult.
But we are lucky. My mother-in-law-tobe is making my dress, my mum is doing hair and make-up and I have sooo many photography friends, so we can have everything to become personal and just "right"...
I just like the fact that I means more when I loved one has made something special for your special day :)

Anyone have any cool ideas for a special wedding?



made some gingerbread cookies with my man and my daughter today, on a lazy sunday. i know we really are supposed to make them before christmas, but we are, as always, a bit behind. lazy ;) yumyum cookies!!

fredag 7. januar 2011

Music of the day!


Lykke Li. strange and beautiful.

just being bored


nothibg on telly, should watch any of the movies i have rented, but got too much energy. maybe I should paint? knitt?? give me a tip please :p sooo here is a picture of my favourit lamp :p (nothing else to take a photo of) :x

torsdag 6. januar 2011

It's been aaages!

So sorry, I've been lazy, but got a bit inspired by one of my best friends to write..
So from now on I should wrote some more. about everyday things :)
Keep on writing thing I like. I like those lists better then hate lists.
But it would be fun if everyone that reads my blog could make their own list and eighter link them on a comment (or write them as a comment) Lets spread some fun things..
Oh, one more fun thing: I Love songs/ music with funny and strange lyrics.
So for you spotify lovers: http://open.spotify.com/track/65F5uV1eajI2OTm5KfCicq The Moldy Peaches – Anyone Else But You
Anything from the wonderful, great, weird and funny film Juno <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiZnPWllKV5EUzglawMIZ9pG8sy1LQqfOQlxEaIC2-_1F7XGqtQhSsoVJBhAtTyZOwNpxQL9bwCcd5fDWMRzGX2IYlge2H_n6NJPYFDoed0KdMwEoX_PamQantikHjy5dAjWEvHBhsESBZb/s1600/juno.jpg">