onsdag 23. mars 2011

What...new Chy Morvians?!?!?!!

I googled Chy Morva (The name on our place in Falmouth) And stumbled over this blog: Emyr has a Blog.
It's a girl that goes to the same Uni I went to, and in the summer she will move into CHY MORVA!!!!! They are three people moving in, and one of them is actually a Norwegian girl. :)

Well, to you guys: Take care of her!! And enjoy your time at Uni. Suddenly you are done and out there in the real world!!! ;)

I miss falmouth soooo much!!!!!!

Oh well...

Mmmmmmh a cold beer at the Woodlane Cantine... <3

1 kommentar:

Emma Prew sa...

We will be sure to treat Chy Morva well. :D